Saturday, January 14, 2006

My adventure begins

It was the year 2003, I was happy and computer illiterate, but unbeknowst to me my brother and a friend were conspiring to bring me into the 21st century.

My brother gave me an old computer he had that was collecting dust (32 ram with a 1.6gig harddrive) and my friend gave me 3 months paid internet service. I now have 2, one to expiriment with the other to work with. I now know how to reboot, install progams, and all kinds of geeky stuff.

I made the decision that if I was going to pay for all this, I wanted to find a way it would all pay for itself.

It's been 20 years since I,ve had a real job with a regular paycheck and I wasn't about to change because of a computer and the internet.

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